
quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2024

Antinatalism, Abortion and Existence (A discussion between Karim Akerma and Julio Cabrera)

In the last two years I have been participating in debates about abortion within Antinatalism. This insertion of the problem of abortion within a larger movement gave this debate its own peculiar characteristics: how could someone who opposes birth also oppose abortion?

The vast majority of antinatalists are pro-abortion, and the reasoning seems easy and direct: if we are against giving birth to people by placing them manipulatively in a world full of suffering, it is obvious that we must agree to abort a being that will be manipulated and thrown into suffering.

However, this inference is not as easy as it seems. I think we can be antinatalist and antiabortion because deciding not to have children and deciding to abort children are two logically and ethically different decisions. I explain this in my text.

Professor Karim Akerma, from Germany, who is pro-abortion, and I, Julio Cabrera, from Argentina-Brazil, who have an anti-abortion line, decided to publish our contributions on the topic. We present our difference of ideas in a plural environment, guided by a basic respect for the opposing position. But, it seems, our positions are irreconcilable.

Julio Cabrera

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